Trademark Status

Trademark End to End Service Package by SunBrio IPR

Formalities Check Fail Handling

Objection Reply and Hearing Attendance

Opposition Counter Statement & Evidence Filing

Notice of Opposition & Evidence Filing

Post Registration Tracking for Rectifications

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What does your Trademark Application's Status Mean?

Your Trademark Application goes through different stages before and even after being granted Registration Status by the Registrar of Trademarks. Know what each status means below

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Formalities Check Pass

This stage means that your application has passed all the preliminary checks and is now scheduled for further examination.

Formalities Check Fail

This status means that your application has not passed the Formalities Stage and needs to be provided with additional information or correction in order for it to proceed. CAUTION! If a reply is not filed within the stipulated time, the application will be Abandoned by the Registrar.

Marked for Exam

Your application is in queue for examination by the examiner of trademarks. Once it is examined it will either be objected or accepted.


An examination report has been issued against your Trademark Application detailing the sections against which your application has been put on hold. CAUTION! If no reply is filed answering the objections raised in the report, the application will get abandoned by the Registry.

Ready for Show Cause Hearing

Once you file a reply to the objection report, the application is sent for hearing. This alert denotes that your application is in the queue for hearing stage and is awaiting a hearing date in front of the registrar.

Acceptance & Advertising

Once the application is accepted, then it gets advertised in the Trademark Journal to make it open for public oppositions. If nobody opposes in the stipulated time, then the application gets registered.


If anybody from the public wishes to raise his voice against the registration of your application, he will oppose the application. CAUTION! You have to file a counter statement within the stipulated time now to proceed with your application else it will be abandoned by the Registrar.


After the stipulated time of advertisement, if no opposition is raised, then your mark gets Registered! Or, if it was opposed and went through hearing stage and was cleared by the Registrar, it gets the Registered Status immediately. Congratulations if your application is having the Registered Status. You can now obtain the Trademark Legal Certificate for your application by filing the appropriate form.

Rectification Filed

Once your trademark gets registered, it can still get opposed in the way of a Rectification. It is similar to opposition and needs a counter statement to be filed within the stipulated time! Keeping a Track of your Application even after Registration is a must!

About SunBrio IPR

We have been working in the field of Intellectual Property Rights in India since 2013. Though, our office is located in Pune, Maharashtra, we have served clients from all over India and abroad.

We have successfully established our goodwill in the market even after facing competition from heavily funded organizations due to our discipline and policies which we have evolved through experience in this industry.

Please be rest assured that you are giving the work to one of the best service providers in the market.

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