Free Trademark Search India

How to Use the Above Trademark Search Tool


TM Search Form

Fill the above form to provide the Trademark Checker with Details about the Brand Name you wish to check availability for


Class Applicable

While filling the above form select the appropriate Class Number if you know, or select All Classes by default. You can also visit this link to identify the appropriate class for your Trademark.


Analyzing Search Results

After your press the SEARCH button to search for trade mark, it will load all the similar matching applications for your brand name


Negative Search Report

If there are any exact matching brand names that are being shown in the search results, then your Search Report is NEGATIVE. This means you need to change your brand name and search again


Positive Search Report

If there are no exact matching brand names that are being shown in the search results, then your Search Report is POSITIVE!, You can proceed with the REGISTER button to Apply.

    Important Points to Note

  • The Tool will show most similar matching brand names first. As you scroll down you will see other similar matching brand names.

  • Click on the Application Number to check trade mark detailed status of the Trademark Search Results being shown by the Tool.

  • Class Plays a Very Important role in identifying whether the search is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. If you are not sure, contact us immediately.

How does the above Trademark Finder work?

The Registrar of Trademarks has provided with a trademark search portal to check the availability of trademark before filing the application. Checking this portal thoroughly is your responsibility before applying for your trademark registration. Our Trademark Search Tool has access to this vast database and helps identify any similar applications already present on the portal. If this stage is not done properly, the application can be refused.

Benefits of the above Trademark Search Tool

Get Access to the Entire List of Registered and Applied Trademark Applications in India via the Trademark Finder

The Trademark Checker automatically filters the data and shows you the Matching Brand Names First

Trademark Checks shows you data from ALL classes at once in the Search Results to help you analyse all the data at once

Trademark Find also helps you filter the data further based on their Statuses like Registered, Abandoned, Refused etc.

Importance of the above Trademark Checker

It is much more simplified and user friendly than the official Trademark Search Portal

Applying for Trademark without an accurate Trademark Search Report is harmful

It makes it Possible to check all the matching marks in one go itself

It provides access to search online from anywhere and at anytime

Expert Trademark Searchby SunBrio IPR


Enquiry Form

Fill the adjacent form to provide our executives with your brand name(s) and nature of business or details about your product and service.


Class Identification

We will then identify the correct class applicable for your brand name based on the nature of business provided by you in the above form.


TM Search Report

Our experts will Search and analyse the IPIndia Database for trademark applications already filed and generate your Trademark Search Report in India.


Negative Report

If the report is Negative, we will guide you on what changes in the brand name you can make do convert the report into a Positive one and apply


Positive Report

If the report is Positive, then we will share the required document formats along with pricing for filing your trademark application online.

Fill the Below Form to Apply!

Your personal contact information shall be kept confidential.

You will be redirected to the Payment Gateway Page once you submit the above form.

Benefits of Expert Trademark Search by SunBrio IPR

We Provide a Completely Thorough Trademark Search Report

We access the Latest Updated Government Database for the Report

Our Report gives you the Assurance to apply for Trademark Registration

You also get an Expected time frame for Trademark Registration Process

Report on future hurdles to be faced in the process of Trademark

Estimate of the complete cost to be incurred to get the Trademark Registered

Importance of Expert TM Search by SunBrio IPR

Gives professional legal opinion about feasibility of trademark registration application

Provides all data about already applied or registered trademarks on record

Limits losses on cost and time to be incurred during trademark registration

Helps finalize brand name via checking the availability of trademark to be registered

Pricing of Expert TM Search by SunBrio IPR

199/- Only

This Payment will be adjusted as Advance against your Final Trademark Application Filing Quotation if you wish to proceed with the filing of your application.

Get Started!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before forming a company, or booking a domain name, one should perform a Trademark Search. This helps in avoiding the loss that will be incurred in case you come to know that the company name or domain name taken by you, have been trademarked by someone else. In this case, you are legally bound to get your company name changed and surrender the domain name or not use it for business activities, thus resulting in unwanted expenses.

To make the most of your brand name, you should also get a .com or .in domain name registered for your brand name. Along with that you should also secure the Social Media handles for your brand name. But, all of this once your Trademark Search report is Positive!

A Positive Trademark Search report safeguards you from the following obstacles that any trademark application has to go through to obtain registration:

- Trademark Objection

- Trademark Hearing

- Trademark Opposition

- Trademark Rectification

Though, it does not guarantee that your application will not go through all these, but has a good chance of not getting your application stuck in these above mentioned stages.

After being in this business since the last 12 Years, we have gained extensive knowledge about which applications are accepted and which are refused by the registrar. It is a knowledge that is only achievable via experience and hence it helps us give most accurate trademark search reports to our clients.

The latest and most updated database of all the Trademark Applications ever filed with the Trademark Registry of India is available on the below link: – IPINDIAONLINE.

Yes Ofcourse! It is the database that is hosted by the Official Trademark Registry of the Indian Government. It reflects real time data regarding all the applications that we’re ever filed with the office and have been digitized. Even when we file your application, it will immediately reflect in this database, which in-turn assures you of its accuracy.

There is a complete international database which classifies all the goods and services into 45 classes under the NICE Classification. The below mentioned portals can help you identify the correct trademark class for your product or service.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Out of the Total 45 classes, the product classes fall under class 1 to 35, class 35 being the trading activity class.

Out of the Total 45 classes, the service classes fall under class 35 to 45. Class 35 overlaps the product classes but mainly consists services like advertising, marketing, business consultancy etc in it.

Yes, if there is an Exact Matching brand name already registered in the Trademark Registry, then the search report is predicting the accurate future of your trademark application. But still, the final authority on whether to grant a trademark application registration rests in the hands of the Registrar alone. The Search report can only give an idea which can be relied upon before filing the application. There are many brand names, whose search report was negative as they we’re matching some already registered applications, yet they have been accepted by the registrar. But, never the less, they we’re not matching 100% with the existing ones.

No, Even if your report is Positive, there are many other factors that govern whether a trademark is to be given registration or not. The Trademark Search Report only checks for similar or matching brand names in the trademark registry. This only secures Section 11 part of the Trademarks Act. There is a Section 9 part of the Trademarks Act which can refuse a brand name the right to be trademarked based on other factors. As mentioned above, the sole right to grant registration, rests alone with the Trademark Registrar only.

A detailed and expert trademark search report can give a 90% guarantee on whether your trademark application will get accepted or not. We have been in this field since the last 12 Years and have been able to provide very accurate Trademark Search Reports to our clients. The alterations in the brand names that we provide, have been able to get the applications accepted smoothly. Our aim is to get our client’s trademark applications accepted as early as possible without it going through an objection or hearing at all.

After obtaining the required information i.e. your brand name and business activity, and if the government portal is working smoothly, we take approximately 15 to 30 minutes to prepare your trademark search report.

There are two things that you can do after obtaining your trademark search report. If the report is negative, you will have to provide us with a different brand name or we will suggest you possible alterations in your existing brand name, so that your trademark application can sail through the registration process smoothly. If the report is positive, then we provide you with the document formats to be prepared in order to go ahead with your trademark application process.

There is a preliminary ‘Trademark Info Form’ created by us to get all the required information for the purpose of filing your trademark application. We send you this form via email and you can resend it back to us via email itself after filling all the required columns. After obtaining this form, we prepare the Power of Attorney Format and User Affidavit format, which is then shared with you via email with the detailed process of getting them executed at your end. Once they are executed by you on Stamp Papers, we require their scanned copies via email itself.

About SunBrio IPR

We have been working in the field of Intellectual Property Rights in India since 2013. Though, our office is located in Pune, Maharashtra, we have served clients from all over India and abroad.

We have successfully established our goodwill in the market even after facing competition from heavily funded organizations due to our discipline and policies which we have evolved through experience in this industry.

Please be rest assured that you are giving the work to one of the best service providers in the market.

Trademark Search

Trademark registered via us

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